1 00:00:00,800 --> 00:00:07,682 I'm Sarah Jones from NASA's Goddard space flight center. I work as a research scientist in the Helio science division. 2 00:00:07,741 --> 00:00:14,741 Space-weather is a type of phenomenon that is similar to the Earth weather that we experience down here below, hurricanes 3 00:00:14,800 --> 00:00:21,800 and thunderstorms. And in space, we also get storms storms coming from the Sun what happens on the Sun then affects space 4 00:00:21,858 --> 00:00:29,035 around it including the space right around our Earth's atmosphere where we can have changes in temperature pressure fronts 5 00:00:29,094 --> 00:00:30,800 and changes in wind velocity. 6 00:00:31,600 --> 00:00:35,500 The Ionospheric Connection Explorer or the ICON mission 7 00:00:35,880 --> 00:00:38,680 launches on the evening of October 9th from Florida 8 00:00:39,580 --> 00:00:40,380 and it will 9 00:00:40,900 --> 00:00:47,455 take pictures of the Earth's atmosphere in this glow that comes from the atmosphere which is called air glow and measuring 10 00:00:47,509 --> 00:00:54,065 that can tell us things about the weather up in space. But we care of course about what's going on around the earth because 11 00:00:54,118 --> 00:01:00,190 it can affect signals that come from our satellites like our GPS satellites, which can then have effects on our 12 00:01:00,244 --> 00:01:03,200 technologies here on the ground and on our daily lives.